
Employee should be able to see their team members’s leave plan from the Team Calendar/Leave Overview. Employees in the same team should have same Reporting Manager.


Missing employee from the Team Calendar can be due to the following reasons:

  1. Missing  employee does not have a reporting manager in his profile

How to:

  1. Log in as administrator
  2. Go to personnel -> Manage Employee -> Employees -> Click the employee name
  3. Under the System (right hand side) -> click Reporting
  4. Key in employee’s manager name or ID in the Manager’s field -> system will show a list of names in the drop down list -> select the manager’s name from the drop down list and click save button
  5. Missing  employee having different reporting manager in his profile compared to the rest of the team member

How to:

  1. Log in as administrator
  2. Go to Personnel -> Manage employees -> Employees -> Click ‘Replace Manger’
  3. Search and select Current Manager name from dropdown -> Search and select New Manager name from dropdown. System will display a list of employees currently having the same manager. In the example below, the system will display a list of employees currently reporting to Ben Wong. 
  4. Tick the employees which you wish to replace the manager -> Click ‘Replace Selected’

Applicable Roles:

  • Personnel Administrator
  • System Administrator