Employee should be able to see their team members’s leave plan from the Team Calendar/Leave Overview. Employees in the same team should have same Reporting Manager.
Missing employee from the Team Calendar can be due to the following reasons:
- Missing employee does not have a reporting manager in his profile
How to:
- Log in as administrator
- Go to personnel -> Manage Employee -> Employees -> Click the employee name
- Under the System (right hand side) -> click Reporting
- Key in employee’s manager name or ID in the Manager’s field -> system will show a list of names in the drop down list -> select the manager’s name from the drop down list and click save button
- Missing employee having different reporting manager in his profile compared to the rest of the team member
How to:
- Log in as administrator
- Go to Personnel -> Manage employees -> Employees -> Click ‘Replace Manger’
- Search and select Current Manager name from dropdown -> Search and select New Manager name from dropdown. System will display a list of employees currently having the same manager. In the example below, the system will display a list of employees currently reporting to Ben Wong.
- Tick the employees which you wish to replace the manager -> Click ‘Replace Selected’
Applicable Roles:
- Personnel Administrator
- System Administrator