How to:
1. IR8A
- To generate the IR8A form, please follow the steps below.
1. Go to Payroll ->IRAS Process ->Extract IR8A
2. Fill in the necessary fields
- Name of Authorized Person
- Designation
- Telephone
- Indicate the Commission type (Monthly / Other than Monthly)
- Default commission period will be from 1st Jan to end 31st Dec, change if necessary
- Default Contractual Declared / Non-Contractual Declared is on 31st Dec, change if necessary
- Tick on Skip Tax Declaration (Without ticking would meant all employee will be processed if they were paid in 2019)
- Click on Extract to generate IR8A.
Tick on Skip Tax Declaration will allow system to exclude employee who are previously indicated as Skip Tax Declaration in the personnel statutory information .
To view the IR8A form, please follow the steps below.
- Go to Payroll -> IRAS Process -> IR8A Form.
Click on the employee name to view the details.
The IR8A fields will be populated automatically by the system. However, the administrator will be able to overwrite the figures if necessary.
In event if there is a need to overwrite the IR8A information, please click on LOCK button to protect the record from being overwritten if IR8A re-extraction is done.
2. Check & Balance Reports
To view the reports, please go to Payroll -> Execute Payroll -> Reports.
There are 3 reports that are useful for Year End Processing.
- YTD Listing(Listing of employee earning up to December)
- Select Year
- Select YTD option as “YTD Uploaded Data & Monthly Pay Data”
- You can export to excel to view the items declared and compare against the IR8A items
You do not need to conduct check and balance for all employees, just:
- Yourself
- An employee with a lots of payment / deductible items (a few staffs)
- An Employee with high income
- AW Listing (Listing of staff that have Total Additional Wage Paid more than 30k). Select the Year
- Payroll IR8A Listing (This listing will reflect all IR8A data generated from the system)
- AW Listing (Listing of staff that have Total Additional Wage Paid more than 30k). Select the Year
3. Benefits in Kind (Appendix 8A)
To manage the benefits in kind form, please follow the steps below.
- Go to Payroll ->IRAS Process -> Benefits in Kind
a. Click on the New Employee Benefits button.
b. Select the employee to manage and fill in the necessary information.
From Year 2015 onwards, the Furniture and Fittings there does not need to declare in details. You will just fill in the whether it’s Partially Furnished or Fully Furnished.
4. Stock Option
To manage the stock option form, please follow the steps below.
1. Go to Payroll ->IRAS Process -> Stock Option
- Click on the New Employee Stock Option button.
Select the employee to manage and fill in the necessary information.
5. IR8S
To manage the IR8S form, please follow the steps below.
- Go to Payroll ->IRAS Process -> IR8S Forms
- Click on the New Employee IR8S.
- Fill in the employee ID/Name and the system will automatically shows the breakdown of Ordinary / Additional wage.
3. Amend the figures if necessary
4. Click Save button.
The Recalculate button allow you to revert the IR8S figures back to system computed figures in case you need to Un-do any amendment.
Applicable Roles:
- Payroll Administrator
- System Administrator
Supported on:
- Web portal only